
466 Audio Reviews

206 w/ Responses

Fun track! I can definitely see the inspiration from 1980s electronic pop music. Only criticism is that it kinda drags after a while, but it is still a fun listen!

This is some beautiful lofi music. I love how catchy the melodies in-between the verses are. Very memorable track! Not to mention the great vocals as well; for some reason they remind me a lot of Fox Stevenson, but it could just be me.

Really pretty piece of work!

AveragePhoe responds:

Thank you so much! And "Bring A Coat" was a direct inspiration when making this song, so that's a big honor!

That is some pretty cool breakcore! I found a few issues though:

1 - The breaks are muddy and distorted. Distortion can be good, but in this case it makes the complex rhythms a bit unclear to the ear.
2 - The sound selection is a little weird. There is this sample you use at the beginning that repeats throughout the song, and it sounds pretty neat! But then when the song reaches its climax, there are some weird noises scattered around. You could make both the sample and sound effects fit by using effects in a clever way or just clean the sound effects up perhaps.
3 - Where are the high frequencies? I put this track on my music software to check the frequency spectrum and the highs are literally not there. It makes this sound muddier than it needs to be.

Overall, it was a neat attempt at breakcore, and I thought the drums were composed quite well for this being your 6th track! However, you should definitely work on making cleaner, clearer mixes and making good arrangement decisions.

TokenCool responds:

Thanks for the honesty and I will try to make my next song more cleaner, TY :D

This is probably the most ethereal breakcore work I have heard, ever. I don't see this atmospheric beauty and prettiness in songs that much.

OVERSCORE responds:

Thank you so much for dropping by, Speed!! I love how much potential for atmospheric beauty and emotion there is in breakcore, that’s why it’s one of my favorite genres rn.

I am not huge into heavy metal (yet), but this track, even without the vocals filling in the remaining space, somehow keeps me listening. It is impressive how well the music fits with the anguish-filled lyrics.

Amazing track!

FarFromSundown responds:

I appreciate you listening, thanks man!

Man, it is such a shame you couldn't finish this! It is a track that is so far filled with such strong feelinga of hope, pain and determination; it is hard to pin-point the specific feeling it portrays most.

Mixing was very clean too btw. Great job on that!

FarFromSundown responds:

I really do want to revisit this one at some point. I just suddenly lost inspiration and direction about halfway through writing the 2nd verse. Maybe one day!

This one's quite unique! I like how groovy it feels. Very neat in my opinion!

Creeperforce24 responds:


Hey, that's pretty decent for a Soundtrap track! It's got a nice groove to it icl. Congrats on the frontpage!

Gotta appreciate how the 'Guac joke is spreading to other people haha. @OVERSCORE Take a look!

Such a simple sounding track, but it has such a neat atmosphere around it! In my head, it's like the feeling of trying to run out of an endless hallway.

Only critique ig is the loudness of the mix; it's clean enough, just needs to be a tiny bit louder imo.

Thetageist responds:

Alright, thank you! What’s a good loudness to aim for when mixing? I have a hard time telling when something being too loud is the fault of mixing or just me having my headphones turned up too much.

Good morning, afternoon and evening!
I'm Skutten aka SpeedoRH and I am your regular dubstep/edm enthusiast.
Here you'll find plenty of music of mine, both bad and good.
If you came here to either vibe or cringe, feel free to stop by! My DAW is FL Studio

SpeedoRH @SpeedoRH


Part-time musician

Lowestoft, UK (nee Italy)

Joined on 6/25/17

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