Hello everyone! In case any of you were wondering, I am alive, and I have recently got back into producing tracks again.
Well, as the title suggests, my July (and many other people's) hasn't started great, not musically speaking, but in general. I have heard the news too obviously, since I am an avid Bedwars player, and I have been so for the past year and a half. Not to mention, I used to watch this person's videos quite persistently in the past, meaning this event has messed me up my week really badly. I'll stop anticipating this now: I am talking about Technoblade.
He meant quite a bit to me, since, as I mentioned before, he was one of the people that I used to watch during quarantine and for long after (which is also when and why I started playing Bedwars in the first place). It's so depressing and heartbreaking to hear he has passed away.
As a musician, I don't know what kind of tribute I could make for him, since he was an extremely important figure to me and many other people and I feel that whatever I could possibly come up with on my DAW wouldn't be emotionally strong enough or important enough of a project enough to represent him respectfully and accurately. That is why I likely won't make any tribute to him at all for fear of not representing him in my music accurately enough. In case I do however, don't expect anything big ;(
For the time being, all I can do is remember him through this post:
R.I.P. Technoblade (1999-2022)
We will never forget your greatest achievements, and the impact you've made for so many people like me during your short lived life.

I apologise for the particularly depressing post, but I just felt like getting this off my chest, which I don't do often on NG. Sorry again ;(