I really really enjoyed the whole tone of the track! I think the chords and melody are very well composed, and I would imagine the whole vibe fits the lyrics you put in the description. Great job on the whole composer stuff!
This is definitely the cleanest track I have heard from you. The reverb problem I remember you having a while ago is just not there on this song, so I will give you kudos for figuring your mixes out! Only thing I would really fix is making those drums stay more up-front in the mix so you can hear them really punch through that tiny bit more, but that's just a nit-pick and I think the song sounds great as it is.
Also, your song-writing is really good! I am not a punk rock connoisseur by any means, so I can't really say if the lyrics follow a similar vibe to 2007 punk rock, but I still can appreciate the whole poetic structure of the lyrics. It looks like you have done your bit of writing outside of music!
Overall, really really good! Can't wait for the EP release!