Hello everybody! As of today (March 19th, 2022), SkuttenGamerGD has reached 70 fans. I cannot thank you all enough for this achievement, since I have had a quite long journey these past nearly 6 years of music production.
I have a few things to announce:
1 - I have returned my friend his GTX 1660 Super since I am getting my very own GPU, which will be an RTX 3060 (ordered yesterday, should deliver somewhere next week), and on top of that in the future I intend to slap a Ryzen 5 3600 on the build too to get rid of the bottlenecking my 1500x will cause for the first few months.
2 - I am back to experimenting with dubstep! I am taking a simpler approach to it at the moment, since I doubt I have enough sound design skills to make complicated pieces of work, but I am still gonna be trying to make pretty minimal dubstep. I am likely going to experimenting with other minimal genres just to keep the practising going.
3 - I don't plan on consistently uploading content on YouTube just yet. Although I have uploaded two Bedwars videos in the span of a week earlier this year, this won't mean I will be more consistent on YouTube, but more so I will be more active. After I get the processor update too, I will start considering YouTube consistency, since a better processor will also allow my workflow to become more efficient.
Again, big thanks to all the new amazing people who support me!
Special thanks to @underscore8298, very awesome guy, check him out!
Thank you!