Hello everyone! Today I very gladly announce, after about 2 months of hiatus, my return to making music in FL Studio!
No matter the effort, I can't contain myself enough for this amazing moment, especially taking the whole hard drive problem and the semi-temporary loss of data I've discussed in earlier posts into account.
I also want to take my time to announce a brand new song I will release soon called "Zephyr". So far it's probably the best techno project I have ever produced, so please stick around for this new single of mine because trust me, you won't regret the wait. If it wasn't for this issue, however, I would've probably been able to participate to the NGUAC Contest for the first time in 3 years (only time participating being in 2018-ish). We'll see about that next year I suppose :I
Anyway, last thing I'll mention in this post is how far into production I am with Zephyr. I'll just let this screenshot speak for itself for now to make sure the project is spoiler-free until release.
(and yes, It's mostly FL Stock lol.)