Hey everyone! About a week ago now I have had a problem with my hard-drive which wouldn't let me access the desktop, which led me to take the decision to take it out of my PC and change it with the one I was gonna use for the new PC a few months back. This means all my FL Studio data is wandering around in my old hard-drive, which means that I won't be able to play around with FL for an undisclosed amount of time.
This gave me the idea to do something else other than music production which, until now at least, has been pretty much my only specialty on the internet as a whole. Since I haven't really lost the data of one of the only games I have been playing recently, Etterna, and since Undertale, one of my favourite games of all time, is about to turn 6 years old, (which apart from being an important event, it also makes me feel particularly older than I actually am) I decided I will try to make the Undertale Soundtrack into an Etterna pack. Not sure how long it will take me to become good at making maps and fast, but hopefully not long, especially considering the Undertale Soundtrack contains more than 100 songs in it.
I will make sure to post my achievements on either NG or a social media of some sort. It might take a long time, but for all I know it might still be a fun time. See ya in the next post!