Hello everyone! The name of this post might have implied that I'm leaving NG forever/for a long time, which is not true in the slightest. I just wanted to thank you for making one of my songs reach 5 reviews, which is in and of itself not too impressive. But considering I haven't gotten that amount of reviews in about 3-4 years (didn't check, but it should be close enough I guess), it becomes quite a different story.
Because I'm already right at it, I wanted to thank both positive and negative feedback: positive feedback because it is one of the things that keep me going on this website, and negative feedback because it helps me receive a better understanding of how my music is perceived by others.
I want to give special thanks to @bleenOfficial for the umpteenth time for helping me on my newest track (the one that got 5 reviews as of May 26th) via Discord dms. I can't thank him enough!
Speaking of him, we are soon going to be working on something very special together. It's something I can't really spoil for anyone because we haven't started yet and I haven't even asked him permission to even mention this yet (forgive me Bleen (._.)). Stay tuned on both his NG and YouTube because that's the place where you're the most likely to find it when it comes out.
Aite, imma head out. Peace out! ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Haha mate don't thank me! And yes, we're gonna do something juicy so stay tuned for that! <3
Hehe I bet! Stay tuned everyone!!!